Summary Pathologists' Assistant in the Laval Region
Find key facts and figures about working as a pathologists' assistant. The following information is applicable to all Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals (NOC 31303).
Physician assistants and midwives provide primary health care and treatment in conjunction with physicians and in collaboration with other health professionals. Physician assistants provide a range of health services to patients delivering preventive and continuous care toward the management of patients' health. Midwives provide full-course care to women and their babies during the pre- and post-natal period. This unit group also includes professionals, such as genetic counsellors, orthoptists and pathologists’ assistants, who work in collaboration with primary health occupations. Genetic counsellors assess individual or family risk of genetic conditions, and provide information to individuals, families and healthcare providers to promote informed choice. Orthoptists diagnose and treat binocular
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This occupation usually requires a university degree (bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate).
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Median wage in Québec
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The job prospects are fair in the Laval Region
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4 jobs
advertised in Québec
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- Oral Communication: Oral Comprehension
- Coordinating
- Instructing
- Monitoring
- Time Management
View competencies about Competencies
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