Summary Computer Engineer (except Software) in the Northwest Region
Find key facts and figures about working as a computer engineer (except software). The following information is applicable to all Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) (NOC 21311).
Senior managers in construction, transportation, production and utilities plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate, through middle managers, the overall operations of goods production, utility, transportation and construction companies. They formulate policies which establish the direction to be taken by these companies, either alone or in conjunction with other members of a board of directors. They work in establishments throughout the following industries: fishing, forestry, logging and agriculture; mining, oil and gas extraction; construction; transportation and warehousing; printing; manufacturing; and utilities or they may own and operate their own business.
Learn more about general manager - goods production, utilities, transportation and construction
This occupation involves management responsibilities.
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Median wage in Québec
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The job prospects are fair in Québec
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55 jobs
advertised in Canada
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- Digital Production
- Operation Monitoring of Machinery and Equipment
- Troubleshooting
- Decision Making
- Digital Literacy
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