Louis Dreyfus Company began construction on a new pea protein isolate production facility at the site of the company’s existing industrial complex in Yorkton. Approximately 60 employees will be hired at the new plant, which is expected to be operational by the end of 2025.
- Job creation
Added on 2024-06-25
Yorkton–Melville Region, SK
- saskatchewan.ca
The Touchwood Agency Tribal Council is establishing a new First Nations pre-employment program. The program will prepare students for the workforce by providing construction related work experience through building homes for surrounding First Nations. Participants who complete the course are guaranteed job opportunities.
- Other type of event
Added on 2024-04-13
Yorkton–Melville Region, SK
- ctvnews.ca
The Town of Rocanville will begin construction on the $4M pool project in March 2024. The new indoor pool is expected to be completed by the end of 2024, and operational by 2025.
- Job creation
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Added on 2024-03-05
Yorkton–Melville Region, SK
- world-spectator.com
The Louis Dreyfus Company is building a pea protein production plant in Yorkton. The plant is expected to employ 60 people when operational. Construction will begin in 2024 and will be completed by the end of 2025.
- Job creation
Added on 2024-02-07
Yorkton–Melville Region, SK
- ctvnews.ca
The Rural Municipality of Wawken is providing $185K to the Moosomin Airport Expansion Project, with the total funding nearing $3.3M. The new runway will be the third longest in Saskatchewan, allowing accommodation for the Saskatchewan Air Ambulance and other commercial interests.