Leamington’s manufacturer, UE Enclosures Inc., will receive a $500K grant from the provincial government towards its multi-million-dollar expansion, creating 24 jobs
Amazon is opening three last-mile delivery stations in Windsor, Ottawa, and Richmond Hill, and will hire 9,000 employees across Canada for the holiday season
- Job creation
Transportation and warehousing
Added on 2024-10-03
Windsor-Sarnia Region, ON
- insauga.com
Boralex Inc., a Quebec-based renewable energy company, and Walpole Island First Nation are collaborating on a new battery storage plant in Tilbury. Construction starts later this year, creating up to 150 jobs.
- Job creation
Added on 2024-09-30
Windsor-Sarnia Region, ON
- ctvnews.ca
The Town of Tecumseh will receive over $15M from the provincial government to build infrastructure for the Tecumseh Hamlet Secondary Plan Area
- Job creation
Added on 2024-09-03
Windsor-Sarnia Region, ON
- tecumseh.ca
Lakeshore Concrete Supply Ltd, a concrete products manufacturing company, is constructing a new plant in Essex County, with completion scheduled for early 2025, creating 30 to 35 new jobs
- Job creation
Added on 2024-08-27
Windsor-Sarnia Region, ON
- windsorstar.com
The provincial government is contributing $59M towards the $66M construction of a 58,000-sq.-ft. Children's Treatment Centre in Chatham-Kent
- Job creation
Added on 2024-07-29
Windsor-Sarnia Region, ON
- ontario.ca