Construction has resumed on DSM, a mixed-use apartment tower in downtown Winnipeg. Carrington Real Estate has taken over from a previous developer that shut down operations in 2023. The 24-storey building will consist of 160 suites and two floors of commercial space, including the Keg Steakhouse and Bar. It is scheduled to be complete by July 2026.
Construction is well underway on a 21-storey residential high-rise in downtown Winnipeg, near the Winnipeg Art Gallery. The $77M project is a partnership between the University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation 2.0 and Lotus Holdings Winnipeg. It will contain 214 apartments, including 86 that meet the national standard for affordable housing. It will begin accepting tenants in December 2025.
The Manitoba Métis Federation is building a $22M affordable seniors’ housing complex in Winnipeg. The organization is planning 50-60 suites to be constructed on a property it owns on Henderson Highway, currently the site of a vacant bowling alley that must first be demolished.
Construction has begun on the Market Lands, a residential-cultural development at the site of Winnipeg’s former Public Safety Building. The project will include 95 residential units, space for four local arts organizations, and a locally-grown food centre. It is expected to be complete in 2026.