The Conseil de développement économique des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (CDETNO) will attend Destination Canada in Paris, France, and Douala, Cameroon, in February to recruit bilingual workers for jobs in the Northwest Territories. CDETNO will promote local employers, preselect candidates, and help companies participate in the recruitment process.
- Job creation
Added on 2025-01-06
Northwest Territories, NT
The University of Regina is discontinuing the linguistics program. Students can no longer start a bachelors degree or honours option in linguistics at the university.
- Other type of event
Educational services
Added on 2024-12-10
Regina–Moose Mountain Region, SK
The federal government has invested approximately $6.7M in four ecological corridor projects in Ontario, designed to improve connectivity between protected and conserved areas while supporting biodiversity conservation
- Other type of event
Arts, entertainment and recreation
Added on 2024-11-23
Kina Gbezhgomi Child and Family Services, an Indigenous-led organization, has opened a new 7,000-sq.-ft. facility in Sudbury to support Indigenous youth transitioning out of foster care and child welfare
- Job creation
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-11-20
Northeast Region, ON
The Yukon government reported increased access to health care services in French through its 2023-2025 Strategic framework for French-language services. The Yukon government is using $2.2M from the federal government to develop preferred language data collection and digital solutions strategies. To improve French service delivery, employees are offered French training and interpretation services.
- Other type of event
Public administration
Added on 2024-11-13
Yukon Territory, YT
RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust reduced its workforce by about 50 employees in Toronto
- Layoff
Real estate and rental and leasing
Added on 2024-11-12
Toronto Region, ON