Available jobs
We found 4 foreman/woman, machining tool operators jobs in British Columbia on Job Bank. The job postings found are for all Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations (NOC 72010).
Read the latest news stories about job creation and layoffs related to the occupation offoreman/woman, machining tool operators (NOC 72010).
Camosun College is building a marine trades facility near Seaspan’s Victoria Shipyards. The facility’s construction is funded by around $5.26M in donations from the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation in partnership with Seaspan. The facility will help train students pursuing careers in the marine trades. The facility is expected to be completed in the next two years.
- Other type of event
Added on 2024-11-01
Vancouver Island and Coast Region, BC
- squamishchief.com
VIA Rail will be replacing its fleet of trains across Canada with significant funding from the Government of Canada. VIA Rail is looking to procure over 40 new locomotives and more than 300 new passenger cars.
- Other type of event
Transportation and warehousing
Added on 2024-07-11
British Columbia
- dailyhive.com
The Government of B.C. is contributing $8.6 million through the BC Manufacturing Jobs Fund to fund eight companies` capital projects in wood-product and fabricated-metal manufacturing. The funding will support diversification and growth with new production lines, equipment, and technology to sustain operations.
- Other type of event
Added on 2024-01-17
British Columbia
- news.gov.bc.ca