Competencies Visual Effects (VFX) Production Manager in the Halifax Region
Find out what competencies you typically need to work as a visual effects (VFX) production manager in Canada. These skills are applicable to all Producers, directors, choreographers and related occupations (NOC 51120).
Skills Help - Skills
Film editors
Proficiency or complexity level Coordinating 3 - Moderate Level Quality Control Testing 3 - Moderate Level Product Design 3 - Moderate Level Reading Comprehension 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Active Listening 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Oral Comprehension 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 3 - Moderate Level Negotiating 3 - Moderate Level Evaluation 3 - Moderate Level Social Perceptiveness 3 - Moderate Level -
Record producers
Proficiency or complexity level Monitoring 4 - High Level Time Management 4 - High Level Management of Personnel Resources 4 - High Level Negotiating 4 - High Level Evaluation 4 - High Level Persuading 4 - High Level Coordinating 3 - Moderate Level Instructing 3 - Moderate Level Writing 3 - Moderate Level Reading Comprehension 3 - Moderate Level -
Directors of photography
Proficiency or complexity level Coordinating 4 - High Level Monitoring 4 - High Level Time Management 4 - High Level Management of Personnel Resources 4 - High Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 4 - High Level Negotiating 4 - High Level Persuading 4 - High Level Decision Making 4 - High Level Instructing 3 - Moderate Level Management of Material Resources 3 - Moderate Level -
Film, radio, television and video game producers
Proficiency or complexity level Coordinating 5 - Highest Level Time Management 5 - Highest Level Management of Material Resources 5 - Highest Level Management of Financial Resources 5 - Highest Level Persuading 5 - Highest Level Monitoring 4 - High Level Management of Personnel Resources 4 - High Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 4 - High Level Negotiating 4 - High Level Evaluation 4 - High Level -
Proficiency or complexity level Time Management 5 - Highest Level Coordinating 4 - High Level Monitoring 4 - High Level Management of Personnel Resources 4 - High Level Management of Material Resources 4 - High Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 4 - High Level Negotiating 4 - High Level Social Perceptiveness 4 - High Level Persuading 4 - High Level Decision Making 4 - High Level -
Proficiency or complexity level Instructing 5 - Highest Level Management of Personnel Resources 4 - High Level Social Perceptiveness 4 - High Level Coordinating 3 - Moderate Level Monitoring 3 - Moderate Level Time Management 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Active Listening 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Oral Comprehension 3 - Moderate Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 3 - Moderate Level Negotiating 3 - Moderate Level -
Art directors
Proficiency or complexity level Time Management 5 - Highest Level Coordinating 4 - High Level Instructing 4 - High Level Monitoring 4 - High Level Management of Personnel Resources 4 - High Level Management of Material Resources 4 - High Level Oral Communication: Oral Expression 4 - High Level Negotiating 4 - High Level Evaluation 4 - High Level Persuading 4 - High Level
Personal Attributes Help - Personal Attributes
Film editors
Importance Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Innovativeness 4 - Highly important Creativity 4 - Highly important Stress Tolerance 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Collaboration 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important Social Orientation 3 - Important Leadership 3 - Important -
Record producers
Importance Leadership 5 - Extremely important Creativity 4 - Highly important Stress Tolerance 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Collaboration 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Attention to Detail 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important Innovativeness 3 - Important Service Orientation 3 - Important -
Directors of photography
Importance Creativity 5 - Extremely important Stress Tolerance 5 - Extremely important Leadership 5 - Extremely important Collaboration 5 - Extremely important Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Innovativeness 4 - Highly important Social Orientation 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important -
Film, radio, television and video game producers
Importance Stress Tolerance 5 - Extremely important Leadership 5 - Extremely important Innovativeness 4 - Highly important Creativity 4 - Highly important Social Orientation 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Concern for Others 4 - Highly important Collaboration 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Attention to Detail 4 - Highly important -
Importance Creativity 5 - Extremely important Leadership 5 - Extremely important Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Innovativeness 4 - Highly important Social Orientation 4 - Highly important Stress Tolerance 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Concern for Others 4 - Highly important Collaboration 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important -
Importance Innovativeness 5 - Extremely important Creativity 5 - Extremely important Leadership 5 - Extremely important Adaptability 5 - Extremely important Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Social Orientation 4 - Highly important Stress Tolerance 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Concern for Others 4 - Highly important Collaboration 4 - Highly important -
Art directors
Importance Innovativeness 5 - Extremely important Creativity 5 - Extremely important Attention to Detail 5 - Extremely important Stress Tolerance 4 - Highly important Independence 4 - Highly important Leadership 4 - Highly important Concern for Others 4 - Highly important Adaptability 4 - Highly important Active Learning 3 - Important Service Orientation 3 - Important
Interest Help - Interest
Film editors
Artistic Help - Artistic jobsEnterprising Help - Enterprising jobsInvestigative Help - Investigative jobs -
Record producers
Enterprising Help - Enterprising jobsArtistic Help - Artistic jobsConventional Help - Conventional jobs -
Directors of photography
Film, radio, television and video game producers
Art directors
Artistic Help - Artistic jobsEnterprising Help - Enterprising jobsInvestigative Help - Investigative jobs
Knowledge Help - Knowledge
Film editors
Knowledge level Communications and Media 3 - Advanced Level Arts 2 - Intermediate Level Business Management 2 - Intermediate Level Clerical 2 - Intermediate Level Languages 2 - Intermediate Level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Human Resources and Labour relations 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level -
Record producers
Knowledge level Arts 3 - Advanced Level Communications and Media 3 - Advanced Level Performance Measurement 2 - Intermediate Level Business Management 2 - Intermediate Level Clerical 2 - Intermediate Level Sale and Marketing 2 - Intermediate Level Client Service 2 - Intermediate Level Languages 2 - Intermediate Level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Human Resources and Labour relations 1 - Basic Level -
Directors of photography
Knowledge level Arts 3 - Advanced Level Communications and Media 3 - Advanced Level Business Management 2 - Intermediate Level Clerical 2 - Intermediate Level Languages 2 - Intermediate Level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Human Resources and Labour relations 1 - Basic Level Mathematics 1 - Basic Level -
Film, radio, television and video game producers
Knowledge level Arts 3 - Advanced Level Business Management 3 - Advanced Level Clerical 3 - Advanced Level Sale and Marketing 3 - Advanced Level Communications and Media 3 - Advanced Level Languages 3 - Advanced Level Technical Design 2 - Intermediate Level Performance Measurement 2 - Intermediate Level Human Resources and Labour relations 2 - Intermediate Level Manufacturing, Processing and Production 1 - Basic Level -
Knowledge level Performance Measurement 3 - Advanced Level Arts 3 - Advanced Level Business Management 3 - Advanced Level Clerical 3 - Advanced Level Communications and Media 3 - Advanced Level Languages 3 - Advanced Level Humanities 2 - Intermediate Level Accounting 2 - Intermediate Level Human Resources and Labour relations 2 - Intermediate Level Sale and Marketing 1 - Basic Level -
Knowledge level Arts 3 - Advanced Level Performance Measurement 2 - Intermediate Level Business Management 2 - Intermediate Level Teaching 2 - Intermediate Level Training, Mentoring and Coaching 2 - Intermediate Level Languages 2 - Intermediate Level Recreation, Leisure and Fitness 2 - Intermediate Level Technical Design 1 - Basic Level Humanities 1 - Basic Level Clerical 1 - Basic Level -
Art directors
Knowledge level Performance Measurement 3 - Advanced Level Arts 3 - Advanced Level Communications and Media 3 - Advanced Level Humanities 2 - Intermediate Level Library, Conservation, and Heritage 2 - Intermediate Level Business Management 2 - Intermediate Level Clerical 2 - Intermediate Level Languages 2 - Intermediate Level Technical Design 1 - Basic Level Human Resources and Labour relations 1 - Basic Level
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