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MIRANDAS HOUSE SUPPORT SERVICES Industrial sector: Administrative and support services

About this business

  • 1 job posting advertised
  • Small business (under 5 employees)
  • 1 business location

Workplace information

This business offers the following amenities and perks to employees in the workplace.

Workplace amenities

  • Gentle or low lighting available
  • Variable work hours available
  • Reduced work hours available
  • On-site daycare available
  • Collaborative spaces
  • Flexible work arrangements for employees with specific needs

Support for specific groups

Here’s how this business makes their workplace more welcoming and supports members of different employment groups.

Support for persons with disabilities

  • Provides physical accessibility accommodations (for example: ramps, elevators, etc.)

Support for newcomers and refugees

  • Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports newcomers and/or refugees
  • Supports social and labour market integration of newcomers and/or refugees (for example: facilitating access to community resources, language training, skills training, etc.)

Support for mature workers

  • Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports mature workers
  • Applies hiring policies that discourage age discrimination

Support for Veterans

  • Offers workshops, counselling services or other resources to help Veterans navigate their transition into the civilian workforce (for example: adapting to different organizational structures)

Support for youth

  • Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports youth employment

Support for Indigenous peoples

  • Offers mentorship, coaching and/or networking opportunities for Indigenous workers

Supports for visible minorities

  • Participates in a government or community program or initiative that supports members of visible minorities

Business initiatives

Provide potential applicants with a deeper insight into your business and tell them which initiatives and learning opportunities you have in place. Select the options that apply in your workplace.

Learning opportunities

  • On-the-job training
  • Mentorship, coaching and/or networking opportunities
  • Team building activities
  • Health and safety training

Green initiatives

  • Green transportation incentives (for example: free indoor bicycle parking, free monthly public transit passes, etc.)
  • Waste diversion from landfill
  • Composting and recycling
  • Energy consumption reduction
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