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Northern Electronic Services Inc Industrial sector: Repair and maintenance Website: Northern Electronic Services Inc

About this business

  • 1 job posting advertised
  • Medium-sized business (between 5 and 100 employees)
  • 1 business location

Workplace information

This business offers the following amenities and perks to employees in the workplace.

Workplace amenities

  • Mental health resources available
  • Flexible work arrangements for employees with specific needs

Support for specific groups

Here’s how this business makes their workplace more welcoming and supports members of different employment groups.

Support for newcomers and refugees

  • Does not require Canadian work experience

Support for mature workers

  • Offers phased re-entry options for mature workers who are returning to work after retiring (for example: gradually increasing hours and responsibilities)

Support for Veterans

  • Supports Veterans in translating their military skills and experience into the language of the civilian job market

Business initiatives

Provide potential applicants with a deeper insight into your business and tell them which initiatives and learning opportunities you have in place. Select the options that apply in your workplace.

Learning opportunities

  • On-the-job training
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